Privacy statement
Uw persoonsgegevens worden door GETestates verwerkt, voor klantenbeheer op basis van de contractuele relatie als gevolg van uw bestelling/aankoop en voor direct marketing (/om u nieuwe producten of diensten aan te bieden) op basis van ons gerechtvaardigd belang om te ondernemen. Indien u niet wil dat wij uw gegevens verwerken met het oog op direct marketing, volstaat het ons dat mee te delen op dat adres kan u ook altijd vragen welke gegevens wij over u verwerken en ze verbeteren of laten wissen, of ze vragen over te dragen. Als u het niet eens bent met de manier waarop wij uw gegevens verwerken, kan u zich wenden tot de Commissie voor de bescherming van de persoonlijke levenssfeer (Drukpersstraat 35 te 1000 Brussel).
“In compliance with the Data Protection General Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the
Council, on the 27th April 2016, we inform you that the provided personal data will be processed by GET ESTATES S.
L with VAT number B29807260, addressed in SITIO DE CALAHONDA (MIJAS), URBANIZACION (MALAGA), C.P.
29649, AVENIDA POLARIS S/N RIVIERA COMERCIAL LOCAL 8, to provide the requested service, and make the
billing of it.
The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is the execution of the contracted service. The future offer of
products and services will be based on the requested consent, and in the case of the withdrawal of this consent, this
would never condition the execution of the contract.
The data provided will be kept as long as the commercial relationship is maintained or during the years necessary to
comply with the legal obligations. The data will not be transferred to third parties except in cases where there is a legal
obligation. You have the right to know if GET ESTATES S.L is treating your personal data. If so, you have the right to
access, rectify, treat, port, opposite and suppress them, as well as to file a claim before the Control Authority by writing
to the above address or by emailing to, attaching a copy of your ID in both cases.
We also request authorization to offer you products and services related to those requested, executed and/or
marketed by our company enabling us to keep you as a client